## Checkbox styling
Use [[Style Settings]] to edit the shape and color of checkboxes
## Alternate checkboxes
Minimal supports a wide number of alternate checkbox types. These allow you to call out tasks that are incomplete, canceled, rescheduled, etc.
[[Color schemes|Color scheme]] colors are applied to alternate checkboxes and can be customized using the extended palette in [[Style Settings]].
## Checkbox icons
The following checkbox styles are available
| Syntax | Description |
| -------- | ----------- |
| `- [ ]` | to-do |
| `- [/]` | incomplete |
| `- [x]` | done |
| `- [-]` | canceled |
| `- [>]` | forwarded |
| `- [<]` | scheduling |
| `- [?]` | question |
| `- [!]` | important |
| `- [*]` | star |
| `- ["]` | quote |
| `- [l]` | location |
| `- [b]` | bookmark |
| `- [i]` | information |
| `- [S]` | savings |
| `- [I]` | idea |
| `- [p]` | pros |
| `- [c]` | cons |
| `- [f]` | fire |
| `- [k]` | key |
| `- [w]` | win |
| `- [u]` | up |
| `- [d]` | down |
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