#features Active line highlighting allows you to see which line of text is currently active in Edit mode. This feature can be turned on using [[Style Settings]] plugin. You can also control the active line background color. Minimal differentiates active line, highlighted text, selected text, and search terms, while allowing all of these visual cues to stack on top of each other. The active line uses light gray in the screenshot below. ![[active-line.png]] ## Line number position As of [version 5.2](https://github.com/kepano/obsidian-minimal/releases/tag/5.2.0), Minimal supports [[Block width]] controls in Live Preview. This means that blocks elements such as [[Tables]] and [[Images]] can be full width in the editor. For this reason, line numbers are placed on the left edge of the tab. Turning on active line highlighting can help you see which line is active. ![[line-number.gif]]